How to Cook Tasty Wet fried Beef with Sukuma wiki

Wet fried Beef with Sukuma wiki. Sukuma wiki is an East African dish made with collard greens, known as sukuma, cooked with onions and spices. It is often served and eaten with ugali (made from maize flour). In Tanzania, Kenya and many parts of East Africa, colewort are more commonly known by their Swahili name, sukuma.

Wet fried Beef with Sukuma wiki It is a Swahili phrase meaning, "to stretch the week" especially when paired Ugali. Most of Kenyans grew up eating this popular dish, sukuma Wiki, Kale, meaning push through the week. it's quick and easy to cook, cooks within minutes, can. Sukuma wiki is the Swahili name for collard greens which translates to "push/stretch the week". You can have Wet fried Beef with Sukuma wiki using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Wet fried Beef with Sukuma wiki

  1. You need 1/2 kg of beef.
  2. Prepare 2 of onions.
  3. You need 2 of tomatoes.
  4. You need 2 tbsp of cooking oil.
  5. It's pinch of salt.
  6. It's bunch of kales.

In East Africa they use collards to stretch out a meal so it lasts the whole week, so as you can imagine this dish is very economical. A few of my favorite African-inspired dishes are North African Spiced Shrimp and. "Sukuma wiki" is a Swahili phrase meaning, depending on how you translate it, "week-pusher," "push the week," or "stretch the week." When I was in Kenya two years ago, I saw kale and collard greens growing in the dusty soil of nearly every home. Sukuma wiki is the Swahili name for collard greens and literally means, "push/stretch the week," which is quite appropriate as these nutritious leaves are available in East Africa all year round, and are quite affordable. Collard greens are an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, K, and calcium.

Wet fried Beef with Sukuma wiki step by step

  1. Cut the beef into pieces and boil..
  2. Chop the onions and tomatoes. Add a table spoon of cooking oil and fry the onion.
  3. Add the beef and stir. And add the tomatoes and stir again and cover..
  4. Add a bit of salt and allow to cook..
  5. Clean the kales and chop..
  6. Fry the onion and fry till golden brown add the sukuma wiki.
  7. Stir and some salt and cook.
  8. Serve with beef and ugali.

Sukuma wiki is a traditional Kenyan dish that is prepared with collard greens, tomatoes and onions. Wash the sukuma wiki under cold running water. Cut it into very fine strips. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the onion and cook till light brown.


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